Week Six

the last section in among the cannibals by Paul raffaele, he talks about the Aztec’s and their ritual sacrifices. We know that they actually did sacrifice and eat humans due to the extensive records kept by cortéz and his men. Cortéz notes detailed the “slaughterhouses caked in blood inside and out, the priets outfits were caked in dried blood, their hair uncombed since entering the priesthood was untidy and covered in dried blood” the victims would be sacrificed and the head placed on the skull rack, the rest of the body arms legs, forearms, thighs were used in feasts for the warriors while the torso was most likely feed to the animals. The victims were ritually sacrificed to please their gods specifically the god of war, the sun, and water etc etc. the Aztec’s would follow the strict teachings of the codex. the codex being a special book of the aztec which told al their stories of their people and talked heavily about sacrifice. Not just war captives would be sacrificed there were others within the nation that would be chosen to be sacrificed. However; they were treated as gods before the sacrifice was to take place.

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